Monday, May 11, 2009

Do cats behave themselves around vases of flowers?

I want to have a floral arrangment delivered to my friend who's just moved into a new home. She and her husband have three cats. Is there anything special that I should keep in mind while choosing a bouquet?

Do cats behave themselves around vases of flowers?
don't get something that can be knocked over easily. some cats do behave, but others don't. also, make sure the flowers aren't poisonous to the kitties.

(have 3 cats, only one broken vase in 3 yrs.)
Reply:Keep in mind what type of lowers to get, a major poisonous flower is Lilies. Cats like to eat plants and lilies cause acute kidney failure-usually fatal after just a little bit of flower or pollen. Go to the ASPCA website and their poison control has a list of flowers that are poisonous, as well as what isn't.
Reply:In my experience, NO, they do not behave around them. If mine smell fresh flowers, they are all over it! But, I would also guess that your friends are used to dealing with this with their cats. Otherwise, I'd look for something a little less appealing to the kitties.
Reply:Don't get any flowers that are potentially poisonious if ingested.
Reply:i wish i could say yes but i often wake up to find smashed vases and trails of sick with bits of flowers. Cats will do anything to get to the flowers and the only thing you can do is glue them down.
Reply:nope srry
Reply:As a general rule - try to get something with a larger base and possibly an arrangement in a pot. Also things that hang far down - such as ribbons or ivy might not be a good idea. Most kitties will want to explore the new addition to the room, but they're not necessarily going to try and destroy it. If it can stand up to a head being rubbed on it and a little tugging, it should be relatively safe. My cats have chewed on a lot of plants so far. The only plant I know of that you have to be truly careful with is a poinsettia.

But I wouldn't worry too much. Your friends will surely find a safe spot to display the flowers where their kitties can't get to them.
Reply:Some cats leave house plants or cut flowers alone, some don't. My cat is very gentle and careful not to knock over a flower arrangement, but likes to eat some types of plants. She LOVES anything with baby's breath (but that's tacky anyways!) and will chew anything with large leaves. She generally leaves most flowers alone, particularly if they are very fragrant. One trick my Mom taught me was to get a pot of cat grass at the same time and encourage the kitty to eat her plants, not yours. It works well with her cat, but not as well with mine. I think it's up to the individual cat.
Reply:From my own experience cats tend to break vases and eat flowers so maybe think about sending a fruit basket. It is nice and the cats don't bother it much.
Reply:You should see which plants are dangerous to cats (there are many out there). You could look at any vet websites, ex. Try not to use a glass vase if you can, it will most likely break soon. Hope I helped.
Reply:how about a basket
Reply:Damn no !
Reply:You're kidding right? :-)

Our cats bahve themselves around flower arrangmeent, that is until we walk out fo the room, then it becomes a free for all. And of course, they will look innocnet when you walk back in and see the leave still falling tothe ground. :-)

Some flower are poisonous to cats too. I'm thinking that orchids are the ones that are very toxic, but not positive.
Reply:I have a few cats myself. Some of them leave plants alone, some don't. I learned along time ago that it was destined to have no plants in my home. For a house-warming gift, try something a little more practical. I personally wouldn't want flowers. Try somethign they can actually use in there new home.
Reply:not really it depends on what type it is
Reply:They might. Like people, all cats are not the same. Mine love to munch all flowers and will go to any length to get to them. I have completely given up on having them in my home because there is nowhere the kitties won't be able to get to them.

Here's another idea though - someone I know received one of these the other day and it was fantastic.
Reply:You might try a basket instead of a vase :) Harder to knock over.

Cats are very curious animals, so you might select flowers that won't be toxic if ingested.

Let us know how it goes! :)
Reply:if they have three cats they probably know how to handle them they will know where to put breakable things and where not to put them,
Reply:Cats are very interested in everything, especially smelly dangling flower pettles or leaves. They may not mean to knock over the vase but the flowers needed to go.
Reply:yes, don't do it. The cats will probably eat whatever you send making them sick or knock it over making a mess.

I would recommend a nice bottle of champagne instead.
Reply:They will knock it over as soon as they see it. If you get something that the cats aren't going to be poisoned from and if you make sure the vase has a very study bottom and is wide enough to not be tipped over that would be better than a traditional base. Good Luck!!!!!!!!

PS I am sure they could keep the cats in a room away from the flowers or vice versa....they could make it work I would send it.
Reply:cats are wild it depends on the cats personality and how they act arounf your furniture

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